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   The 5th of October in all Greek schools became the motive to schedule a common activity.

For second  year in  LYKEIO SCHIMATARIOU, as in every greek school, teachers and students will formulate and implement the 'Day of School Athletic Activities'. This year the whole event is dedicated to the Olympic IDEA and Paralympics games. We celebrate together the Olympic and Paralympics SPIRIT in 5th of October, a day devoted to Greek School SPORTS.

   Thus, we have planned to inform the students  about the great Olympic IDEA, demonstrate and participate in Paralympics games and finally urge  students along with their teachers to participate to ancient Olympic Games. Our program includes a brief of bocce, goal ball, special athletics, badminton, ping pong, chess, table games, basketball, football and volleyball. Small videos will be shown to inform  and engage young students to sport activities.

   That Day we skipped the daily programme for  the classes and we  projected for the hole day a collaborative enterprise that was carefully planned and designed to achieve the  particular aim of this year's  Sport Day.

As you can see in the photo galary at the left, we had a lot of activities.

Among the other activities we loved 3 activities which were associated with the "Math investigation" etwinning project!


Common Activity No1

   We decided to give some time to non-bulling day among the other common activities.

   Because of the day, our Greek-Italian team selected pictures and made a research about the phenomenon of bulling.

    After that we created a video as you can see at the right. We find out that many famous person had  deal with the Bulling phenomenon.

Both schools, Lykeio Schimatariou in Greece  and Valaury in Italy, are very proud of their students' behavior. They try to achieve a safe  enviroment for their students and work against any type of violence.

The common non-Bulling Math-investigation

for the etwinning project

Bullying behaviors across 40 countries

Our VIDEO creation...

Ranking countries on their bullying records isn’t easy. For one, the word “bully” has different connotations in different languages. For another, children are – for understandable reasons – not always forthcoming on the topic.

Still, this global survey on bullying behaviors across 40 countries reveals some fascinating and sometimes surprising facts.  To explore the results yourself, launch the data explorer.

  • Boys reported higher rates of bullying in all countries. Girls are more likely to employ indirect forms of aggression. These include gossiping and spreading rumors.

  • Physical aggression tends to decrease as children age. Although verbal aggression–think insult and threats–increases as children get older.

As to national differences

  • The differences between countries can be pretty stark. Among Swedish girls, for example, fewer than 5 per cent reported any involvement in bullying activities, compared to nearly 36 per cent of Lithuanian girls.

    • The United States is bang in the middle of the rankings – not the best but certainly not the worst either.

    • Countries with the lowest reported incidents of bullying are Hungary, Norway, Ireland, and Finland. The highest rates are in Lithuania, Latvia, and Greece.

Common Activity No2

We had set the 1st video conference with our partner in Italy in order to   present each other our team.

We set the VC in the Sports day in order to have plenty of time for collaboration.

On the way we both found it was an excellent opportunity to blend in the VC the two activities.  So at the end of the VC of the Math Investigation project, Greek team informed Italian team about the sports day in their  school.

“Together”, in Greek “MAZI” ,  was the logo of the day. So Greece and Italy together we sang a song online with our partners from Italy. We  used Skype for about more than an hour! In the laptop screen you can see the italian team!  It was an excellent experience!

We loved the moment when the two teams  were waving their flags! Greece and Italy found each-other the perfect partner for an etwinning collaboration! project

 The numbers speak...


The Vallauri  Institute every year organizes  some Assemblies for  students to discuss themes regarding education and youth interests, including an Assembly on cybersecurity in which Computer experts have explained which are the dangers in the web world and have suggested how to protect themselves from them.

He was also invited a Psychologist  who deals with the age of adolescence , to talk about cyberbullying

and has been shown a piece of short film available on Youtube called "Cyberbully".


The film follows Taylor Hillridge, a teenage girl who falls victim to online bullying.

Taylor is  17-year-old  and when her mom gives her a computer for her birthday, she is excited by the prospect of freedom and independence .

However, Taylor soon finds herself the victim of betrayal and bullying while visiting a social website, but  afraid to face her peers at school, she posts a video for telling all her bullies that she plans to commit suicide.

Fortunately, Taylor’s mother reach her before and take her to the hospital.


   Lykeio Schimatariou,Greece and Vallauri Fossano,Italy  are two European  schools. During this year we had the felling that the distance between them   was disappeared  through common activities. The directors from both school are dreaming a safe school environment and they work hard  on this dream. Bulling excist  in european schools as we found out from the research but they try hard to do everything they have to do in order to limit the victims.
    Our italian partners suggested  us to watch the film. The film was intresting. 
Obviously  we came on some conclusion, styding the numbers , having outcomes of statistics research, talking about the informations given from experts, making polls etc... Finally using all these results we created together  an online magazine to summarize.
   Thanks to eTwinning and the "Math Investigation " project  we found the hidden math in an activity like this one about Bulling and also we approach the bulling globaly  and collaboratively. Small steps around the European school-collaboration may lead the hole Europe  towards to that common dream. K.M. Schimatari

Posters for the activity

"We collaborate with our  friends from eTwinning during  the mission Stop Bulling. We had the idea to make the same poster using ideas and proposals from both teams.We had fun , we enjoy themision and finaly we created the posters to send the  message STOP BULLING  to school community. You can see the posters in Greek, Italian and English. "

bulling mission team

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