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What a fantastic experience!

Online collaboration! Math is not anymore only a school subject. It is  the bridge that brings closer teenagers from different countries.

Two schools, Lykeio Schimatariou from Greece  and Vallauri from Fossano Italy, let their students be creative and thinK big about their future.

 Math is our

Pictures always tell the truth.

We capture our memories in a video...

Watch it and ...have fun!


1st VC

on 5-10-2015


What a beautiful experience for us to meet for the first time our Greek partners!

My students were wery excited for the event and they have made a presentation of our nice Medioeval town called Fossano, in the north of Italy.

They have talked about our school ITIS Vallauri, a Tecnichal Institute with multiple fields of study: computer science, economics and marketing, mechanical and mechatronics, applied sciences and finally electrical engineering, which is the course of my students.

It has been a great occasion to enjoy school and to talk in English, all pupils were wery involved and they are looking forward to begin the project.

Welcome Greece and welcome in e-Twinning!!!!!

  Matilde Aimetta

math teacher, Italy



Dear Ms Argyriou,

Hello from Lykeio Schimatariou!

"Math Investigation"

etwinning project

has already started!

It is time to  set the

1st video conference with our partner in Italy! We present our team and inform them about the sports day in our school. “Together”, in Greek “MAZI” ,  is the logo of the day. So Greece and Italy together we plan to sing a song online with our partners from Italy using Skype for about half an hour. We are all excited about this common online activity!

Katerina Atmatzidou, Math teacher


Greek Ministry of Education

Greek National Etwinning Team

Eleni Argyriou

etwinning Ambassador

EFL teacher 




The poster of 1st VC


Click on the button  to play a puzzle getting inspired in this activity.
The project helped us to use so many e-tools.
Our team designed it.
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